Meet our staff & dedicated volunteers:

General Manager: Marcie Christiansen
Grant Writer: Ronni Wilde
Kitchen Manager: Mistie Manning
Food Pantry Drivers: Mark Clemans & Scott Morrison
Food Pantry Manager: Steve Griffin
Clothes Closet Manager: Barbara Vandernatt

Meet our Board of Directors:

President: Jim Fleming
Vice President: Clyde Evens
Secretary: Stephen Langenstien
Treasurer: Mary Thorson
Board Member: VACANT
Board Member: Leah Powers
Board Member: Olivia Shields

The Board of Directors meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at 09:30 am.

Meetings are held at the  La Pine Community Kitchen  located at 16480 Finley Butte Road in La Pine, Oregon.

The meeting is open to the public.

Thank you to all of the generous foundations, social organization, and individuals who have donated to our cause.

In accordance with Federal law & U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this nonprofit is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, political beliefs or disability.  We are a registered Oregon charity & a 501(c) 3 with EIN # 20-2087631.